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283.01 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Kylix c. 540 - 530
283.02 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Die c. 510 - 500 ?
284.03 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Coin Second half of 6th c. onwards
284.04 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Plinth 500 - 490
284.05 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Mould c. 500 - 475 ?
284.06 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Delphi Base c. 478-473 ?
284.07 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Delphi Base c. 450 ?
284.08 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Taras Base c. 475 - 450 ?
284.09 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Anxia Armour c. 450 ?
284.10a Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Olympia Spear-butt c. 443 - 433
284.10b Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Olympia Spear-butt c. 443 - 433
284.10c Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Olympia Spear-butt c. 443 - 433
284.A.S463 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Satyrion Amphora c. 530
284.B.S463 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Herakleia Vase c. 425
284.C.S463 Taras WC Doric Colonies, Italy Matera Patera 500 - 450
284.11 Non-Greek Places WC Doric Colonies, Italy Valenzano Fibula c. 450 ?
284.12 Non-Greek Places WC Doric Colonies, Italy Valenzano Fibula c. 450 ?
284.13 Non-Greek Places WC Doric Colonies, Italy Brentesion Herald's staff c. 443 - 433 ?
284.14 Non-Greek Places WC Doric Colonies, Italy Gnathia Herald's Staff 5th c. ?
284.15 Non-Greek Places WC Doric Colonies, Italy Vaste ? 5th c. ?